Dragonfly 40 Quorning Boats gør det igen, denne gang med flagskibet Dragonfly 40. Værftet har tidligere stået øverst på podiet, men denne gang gør de det ikke i en dedikeret flerskrogskategori, men i den prestigefulde Performance Cruiser kategori. Desværre blev EYotY ladt i stikken af Corsair og Grand Soleil, da de ikke mødte op til konkurrencen og dermed gav sejren til Dragonfly 40. Båden er dog uden tvivl en værdig vinder, blandt meget andet fordi den leverer alt hvad man kan kræver er en moderne båd i kategorien. Vinderbåden emmer af kvalitet. Cockpittet er veludrustet med dobbelt- rat, kraftige el-spil og er sat op til shorthand-sejlads med alle liner ført tilbage til området tæt på rorsmanden. Om læ giver de 40 fod plads til to adskilte kahytter samt salon med pantry. Den appellerer til køl- bådssejlere, der er trætte af moderate hastigheder.
Being left single contestant in the class is certainly taking nothing away from Dragonfly’s glory. She would have been hard to beat, anyway. Combining the top performance of a trimaran with a comfortable cruising interior is not an easy task. Admitted, the result has come out a bit on the heavy side from speed perspective, so the Dragonfly 40 shines brighter when there’s more than just a fickle breeze. Above 12 to 15 knots of true wind speed she outpaces all other production yachts of her size easily, though. Her middle hull, although narrow for a cruiser, is still nice and roomy enough to accomodate a family for weeks of performance-oriented holiday trips. ALBERTO MARIOTTI, VELA E MOTORE, ITA In a category reduced to a single competitor the Dragonfly 40 is an obligatory but certainly deserved winner. The Danish shipyard has defined the flagship of its range of trimarans thanks to years of product design and evolution. With its foldable hulls, the 40 boasts the same width as a monohull of the same size in the marina while allowing much higher performance and stowage volumes with a much lower draft than a mono- hull. Rudder and centreboard automatically rise in the event of collision with objects or the bottom. A boat for fast cruises, even offshore with a crew of three or four people. Safety and speed are her strengths which have to be paid dearly, though. AXEL NISSEN-LIE, SEILMAGASINET, NOR High speed, easy handling and comfort are a challenging compromise. For the first time I was able to drink coffee at the same time as I steered at over 15 knots of speed. Three hulls make it possible.
ØVRIGE NOMINEREDE PERFORMANCE CRUISERS ʉ Corsair 880 ʉ Grand Soleil 44 Performance
BÅD 567 | 2021
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