Contest 55 CS Contest 55 CS repræsenterer på bedste vis hollandsk bådbyggerhåndværk. Det er en klassisk og smuk båd, som alle vil kigge efter, når man ser den på vandet eller i havnen. Det sejler udmærket og betjenes let af en besæt- ning på to personer takket være hydraulik og elektriske spil og et smart cockpitlayout centreret omkring centerspillet. På trods af sine 25 tons føles den forholdsvis let og responsiv også i let luft. Man står lidt udsat bag rattet og afstanden fra stolen til rattet kunne være kortere og dermed mere ergonomisk. Om læ nærmer båden sig perfektion – fra en overdådig ejerkahyt agter med et stor toilet og bad, til et gennemtænkt pantry med induktion, salon med forskellige konfigurationsmuligheder, til køjerum og forkahyt med eget toilet og bad. LUXURY CRUISER
AXEL NISSEN-LIE, SEILMAGASINET, NOR Contest 55 is design art with a surprisingly clean look. To achieve this well-thought-out solutions are required. It’s a boat made of genius. Solid dimensions and the best materials chosen makes the Contest 55 CS a proper luxury cruiser. JOCHEN RIEKER, YACHT, GER In this hotly contested category the Contest doesn’t just stand out by sheer size. More than that it’s the subtlety of her appearance that sets her apart – with a flush deck, compact topsides and a fine, elegant, marvellously clean design approach throughout. While build number one was a bit compromised in terms of her performance by a higher-than usual boom and a rather simple set of sails for a yacht her price-tag the 55 CS was still pleasant to steer and quick enough to get even long passages done in no time. A fine piece of contemporary boatbuilding that thanks to the custom-build philosophy of the yard can be heavily adapted and specified to the wishes of even the most demanding owners. SÉBASTIEN MAINGUET, FRA As a winner in this category we have a true luxury 17-meter boat, with an almost flush deck, a huge cockpit in which you can enjoy two separate areas (one for maneuvering and another one for just having some rest), a splendid owner cabin (aft), big tender garage and a lot of natural light in the whole interior – and also a lot of sophisticated indirect electric lighting. We did appreciate a lot the deckplan, especially the system to easily control the 90-square meter mainsail – really simple and efficient.
BÅD 567 | 2021
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